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Liferay Portal 7 / DXP Upgrade Services

Upgrade your existing Liferay Portal 5.x/ 6.x to Liferay 7 CE or Liferay DXP EE to transform your organization. Liferay 7/DXP gives huge performance benefits & Enterprise Portal features out of the box. Either intranet portal or internet portal or providing REST services to your mobile APP Liferay 7 is cut out for it.

Liferay 7 Upgrade / Migration Services
OSGI Modularization

Liferay 7 using the modern OSGI standards is modularized into bunch of OSGI bundles which can be run/stop/deployed independently. OSGi is also the Gateway into Micro-Services Architecture.

Enhanced UX / UI

Single Page Application(SPA) inbuilt support, Alloy editor for smooth content authoring experience, enhanced Liferay DXP forms and also usage of Bootstrap 3 gives all the goodies from UI & Multi device support.

Supports Portlet Standards

Support remains for previously supported Portlet Standards such as Portlets (JSR-168, JSR-286), CMIS, WebDAV,  LDAP,  JCP (JSR-170), etc.

Elastic Search 6.1 Support

Elasticsearch 6.1.x support inbuilt. Elasticsearch is an open source software  tightly integrated with Liferay for all your content & document searches. for all your content & document searches.

Why Liferay Portal 7 / DXP (Contd.)?

Performance Improvements

Reduces Startup times and less memory footprints for more efficiency.

Micro Blogs - A New Feature

 To Announce short announcements (like social media tweets)

Social Collaboration

Improved collaboration, can be configure different feedback types, Maintain contacts etc.

Image Editor

He visited her regularly each day at certain hours, not so much.

Mobile SDK

Mobile SDK for iOS and Android for building native mobile Apps.

Quick Notes

Allows to announce emergency or important notice on Page.

Liferay 7 / DXP Upgrade Time and Cost

KTree has done multiple Liferay 7 Upgrades in varied industry sectors. The experience of KTree's Liferay 7 multiple upgrades comes handy to avoid the pitfalls associated with upgrades. The Liferay 7 Upgrade time and cost depends on the below factors.

Liferay Enterprise or Community edition?

Is your Liferay legacy previous  version is enterprise / Community and do you want to move Enterprise (DXP) or Liferay 7 Open Source (CE). If there is any change, this will impact your timeline and cost as well.

Existing Liferay Content and Data

Liferay provides very smooth upgrade process which will not dependent on how much data exists now. There would be minor differences or issues in the timeline ff your portal consists more data.

Number of Custom Portlets in Liferay 5.x / 6.x

Number of custom Portlets, If those required in Liferay 7 these needs to be rewritten/upgraded depending upon the portlet.

Mobile App with Liferay Backend

Liferay 7 Upgrade in 5 Steps.

  • 1. Migrate Data from Legacy Liferay (4.x,5.x, 6.x etc…) to Liferay CE/DXP
  • 2. Install required plugins and dependent software components and Enable OOTB.
  • 3. Convert Existing themes or Create New theme with Liferay 7 CE/DXP standards
  • 4. Convert Custom Liferay legacy components (Portlets, Hooks, Web-plugins) to Liferay 7
  • 5. Testing and Fixing - Plan for GoLive
Liferay 7 / DXP Upgrade 5 steps to ponder

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KTree follows CMMi process to T. Defined and Mature processes for Coding, Code Reviewing Exercises, QA Process with focus on Performance testing & Load Testing

Where is KTree's Web and Mobile application Development done?

Most of our Development is done from our Hyderabad Development Center. Hyderabad is known for its rich heritage and exotic food apart from abundant IT Talent.

How KTree makes outsourcing project a positive experience?

True collaboration, transparent and constant communication, visibility and traceability are the key for success. The other major one being requirements engineering.

What is Success mantra of KTree, as one of the respected web development company?

Agile Methodology + Strong Documentation + Powerful Web & Mobile Frameworks + Solid KTree Team = Great Web & Mobile Applications within time.

Any other Differentiation which KTree has, which it can offer?

Having worked on hundreds of Web & Mobile Application projects, KTree teams tremendous knowledge & expertise gives very good head-start for projects which helps clients save many man-months

What Development methodology KTree follows and why?

KTree development team follows Agile methodology because of its suitability to web and mobile application development. Scrum helps improve Agility due to its simplicity and flexibility

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